Integrated medicine focusing on the Body, Mind and Spirit

Need help - Are you at a crossroads - Want help to learn to see clearly? - Do you want to grow and develop?

At the Swan Center at Pernille Sylvest Kondo in Tisvildeleje in North Zealand, Denmark, high professional quality, compassionate warmth, genuine presence and being a human friend are the goal.

I support and help children and adults with challenges in life in Body – Mind – Spirit.

I use Doterra’s Pure Healing Essential Oils in my clinic.

I offer Child Treatment and Infant Massage for children and for adults Healing Swan talks, Svane® Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Myo Reflex Therapy, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Myo Reflex Therapy and Psycho Traumatology.


Do you need wellness treatments and peace in mind? Are you suffering from fatigue, lack of energy and stress? Do you have body deformities or pain?

Are you ill or have you been ill? Do you need relaxation and serenity. A deeper contact with yourself and more of your own love? Have you decided to regain your health and increase your quality of life. Do you want to learn the art of Healing and prevention. Personal Development and Spiritual Growth, which will bring Peace, Light and Joy in your life. Then treatments, Immersion, Life Guidance and Teaching with me may be the right solution.

I have been a Therapist, Teacher and Spiritual Supervisor for many years and in the local area I have helped many people from Helsinge, Rågeleje, Gilleleje, Frederiksværk, Hillerød and Copenhagen. My clients and students come from all over Denmark.

I offer Soul Travel with Course, Vacation and Recreation on the Greek Island of Patmos in Greece in the Aegean Sea. Here I do courses in my house Swan Spiti Retreat Center on the island of Patmos. I teach “A Course in Miracles”

which leads to Self-Forgiveness and Healing of the mind.


To help is to understand: Søren Kirkegaard's thoughts are practiced at Svanecentret® in Tisvildeleje.

“If I should succeed in leading a person
towards a certain goal, I must
first go where he is at the moment and
begin just there.

Someone who cannot do that
cheats himself when he thinks he can help others.

To help another one must clearly
understand more than he does, but
first and foremost understand
what he understands.
If I cannot do that then
it does not help if I have ability.

If I will nevertheless show how able I am
that is because I am vain and arrogant
and I would actually like to be admired
of others instead of helping.

All genuine helpfulness begins with humbleness
for the person I want to help and
in that way I must understand that to help
is not to rule but to serve.

If I can not do that then I cannot help.”
Søren Kierkegaard