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Course program with times and prices 2024.

Yoga of Life – Self Healing – Meditation – Understanding Energy – Depth Relaxation

Group:​Time and day:Lessons:​Price:Start:​
9601Monday 18.30 - 21.00

Monday 18.30 - 21.00 10 x 3
1500 DKK
9603Monday 18.30 - 21.00 10 x 31500 DKK

Medical Qi Gong Meditation and Depth Relaxation: Used in Hospitals in China

Group:​Time and day:Lessons:​Price:Start:​
9605Monday​ 15.00 - 17.3010 x 31500 DKK
9605Monday​ 15.00 - 17.3010 x 31500 DKK


Group:​Time and day:Lessons:​Price:Start:​
2020Tuesday 15.00 - 17.3010 x 31500 DKK
2021Tuesday 15.00 - 17.3010 x 31500 DKK

Course: In Integrity and Forgiveness

Personal development and life education. To cleanse your inner space.

2 weekend​
Saturday & Sunday
kl. 9.30 - 16.30​
Saturday & Sunday
kl. 9.30 - 16.30​

Group I Dates:
Group I Dates: Comming soon

The groups are taught by Pernille Kondo Therapist and Spiritual Teacher.
Price DKK 2,000 per weekend. Deposit at registration NOK 2000.- Location: The Swan Center in Tisvildeleje.

Course: Create the Life You Want in Love

Personal development and Life education. To create and cleanse your inner space.

Group I:
2 weekender
Dates: 2022
Saturday & Sunday
kl. 9.30 - 16.30

Courses: A Course in Miracles: A Course in Miracles

Are you listening to the voice of fear or love?
The path of forgiveness. Do you want deep peace in your mind. Spiritual Development – Meditation – Spiritual Psychotherapy and Spiritual Science with (A Course in Miracles).
Heal Your Mind: Learn Self Forgiveness Forgiveness.
If you want to settle fear – guilt and depression, then it is important to learn to understand that it is about a willingness to change your mind.
From thinking in fear and disbelief to learning to think in peace and love.
The groups are taught by Pernille Kondo.

New group:
Start date & time​:
Wednesday Time:
15.00 - 20.30.
10 classes in one year.
Advanced group:
Start date & time​:
Time. 9.30 - 15.00.
6 classes

Spiritual Travels: Course in A Course in Miracles, to the Greek archipelago on the island of Patmos

Are you listening to the voice of fear or love?
Learn to turn guilt and fear into Forgiveness – Peace – Joy and Love – 14 days of teaching. Attend one or two weeks.

April 2021 Travel: Course I
The larst week is Orthodox Greek Easter.
Date: 14.04. - 01.05. 23
Course Location:
The island of Patmos in Greece
International group.
Summer Travel:
Course II
01.07. - 17.7. 2023
Course Location:
The island of Patmos in Greece.
International group.
September Travel: Course III

Date: ​​
02.09. - 18.09. 2023
Course Location:
The island of Patmos in Greece
Teaching in Danish
September Travel:
Course IV
16.09 - 02.10. 2023
Course Location:
The island of Patmos in Greece
International group.
Excl. Travel and food. Deposit DKK 3,000.- at registration.
Former participants DKK 6,000. Read more on Svanecentret.dk while traveling to Patmos.

Courses for New Mothers. Learn to Give Your Child Infant Massage

Teaching 5 times. Price DKK 1,000, – Teacher: Pernille Kondo.

Courses for New Mothers. Learn to Give Your Child Infant Massage

Teaching 5 times. Price DKK 1,000, – Teacher: Pernille Kondo.

Basic Course in Svane® Healing Massage – Learn the Joy of Giving and Receiving

Prerequisite for Education: Therapist in Child Care and Infant Massage

New group:
Swan Massage Ground Course.
Start date & time​: 8.00 - approx.. 18.30

Course Location:​
Swan Massage: Polarity Massage
Swan Massage: Mental Flows
​Start date: Price: 5000.-
Price : 5000.-
Course Location:​

Education: Therapist in Swan Child Care Infant Massage

Swan Child Treatment Infant Massage – Treatment for Infants and Children. We train at Adult first. Starting:

Do you want to become a professional treat – true human friend, and go the way of the heart.

The training gives you Personal and Spiritual Development and deep Life Education. Do you have a desire to help Children.

Concept is at a high professional level. The education covers the area Physiotherapeutic, Psychological and Spiritual level.
1000 hours of teaching and internship. The program for the entire program can be viewed at www.Svanecentret.dk

Open house at the Swan Center: Meditative Silence and Remote Healing

Tea and small cake are served. Price per evening DKK 50.- Thursdays


Kl. 19.30 – approx. 21:30. Application necessary.
Contact the Swan Center Pernille Kondo for more information and registration. Schedule for Sessions.