Spiritual Journey. Forgivenes healing for humanity with A Course in A Course in Miracles.  The 06.09 - 23.09. 2024

Do you listen to the voice of fear or love. The path of forgiveness."Integrity and Forgiveness" and "Creating the Life You Want in Love" are also taught.

We travel to the beautiful, sacred, Greek island of Patmos. The Island of Light We arrive at the beginning o September, when there are not so many tourists anymore, all buzzing with peace and idyll. It is on this island that the Apostle John channeled “John the Revelation” in the year 95 AD. I have held courses here on the island many times in “A Course in Miracles” and it is a well-functioning, ideal place for peace and contemplation. Here you can have a learning and experience-rich holiday, out of the ordinary, here is a very conducive and high energy. If you are also spiritually interested, this experience will definitely be for you.

We will explore the beautiful island and visit the impressive St. John’s Monastery, where there is still some living. 25 monks and aides throughout the year. The monastery dates from the year 1088, it rises as a fairytale castle surrounded by gentle, protective walls. We visit the wonderful little cave where John received his revelation. John the Cave at Patmos is one of the world’s opening gates, and we meditate and connect to the energy that is here. Patmos is called the Aegean Sea of ​​Little Jerusalem. Patmos has the status of Unesco Heritage Center and is a unique place. There are about 450 churches, small chapels and monasteries on the island. </ Span>

The island is a natural gem that oozes idyll everywhere and has a wonderful, serene atmosphere and atmosphere, the sky is open on Patmos. Every year pilgrims come to Patmos, but few experience staying here and falling asleep and, that is exactly what we want to do on this trip. On the journey there will be ample opportunity for hiking occasionally if you feel like it.

The Course “A Course in Miracles” is Spiritual Healing of the Mind:

There will be aspects of a Course Retreat with silence and contemplation every day. We share, and I teach based on a common desire to walk the path of the heart. When we are willing to settle the fear in us and say yes to Love, the mind is healed. It is not possible to settle the darkness by fighting and fighting with ourselves and others, but to the extent possible by turning on the light within ourselves.

There will be lessons in Meditation and self forgiveness in a safe and accepting atmosphere, morning and evening. In the middle of the day, during the hot time, we keep “free play” and enjoy life. You sometimes get a small assignment to deepen. In our free time we will swim and laze, on lovely little sandy beaches and eat lovely, sunny ripe tomatoes, Greek salad and home made specialties, at the small, local tavernas. Fresh ingredients combined with love, because here you make good food. We will go hiking-discovery on the pike trails, in the mountains and explore and experience fun and exciting places on the island. Patmos has it all, there are lovely, cozy shops and cafe life when you need it. We will gather again in the afternoon and continue working. Of course, you will receive support and guidance along the way.
We practice Immersion, Serenity and Exercises, and learn how to translate it into our daily lives and activities. The themes throughout are: “Integrity and Forgiveness” – and “How Do I Create the Life I Want in Love”. We observe and study the mind and learn how to settle the ego mind. Open ourselves to the energy of the New Age, and to a life where we live more in line with ourselves and with higher consciousness. The goal is a direct connection to Peace – Light and Love.
We eat together every day if you wish.

We cook occasionally at home in my kitchen at Swane Spiti of fresh produce.

We hold a small evening gathering when needed. There are days off and lots of fun and wonderful experiences along the way. You have the opportunity to participate in Greek island life if you wish, and you will probably feel like part of the island. Patmos are very hospitable.

We will work with the group on the group. a. the following topics:

    • Integrity: Learn to preserve yourself and your personal and private space.
    • To become comfortable with yourself and in your own body.
    • What would you like to achieve and what would you like to avoid?
    • What would you like more of? What would you like less of?
    • Learning how to use your Solar Plexus deliberately is what is called a gut feeling in practice. We practice and practice exercises.
    • What is a gradient? Imagine a staircase one floor up to the first floor, it has many steps / gradients. See and understand life on a gradient.
    • How Do I Achieve More Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence and Community?
    • Transforming fear into security and love.
    • Healing conversation and active listening are the way. The healing conversation and sharing.
    • Confidence in yourself, in the room, and security in relation to other people. You must be able to accommodate yourself before you can handle meeting and accommodating other people.
    • How do my regrets affect my life?
    • How does the way I think about my life affect? ​​
    • Meditation and Self-Forgiveness help you to purify and create your own inner space, of Peace that creates the opportunity to become a channel for peace.
    • Do you want to join a group and create a conducive and unity-creating community and advise your highest qualities?
    • We help each other and work together to get deeper and further.
    • How do I acknowledge / experience connection to The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit?
    • Session: It is possible to order a session with Pernille Kondo during the stay.

Feel the body and presence and enter the Now.

Occasionally, we practice shorter sessions of breathing training, body workout, and loosening exercises. Gentle Yoga and Qi Gong exercises and Depth Relaxation etc. will be included in the days as required by the group. Remember to bring a sleeping pad.

Overnight on the white beach:

It is a great wish of former participants in the course, to have the opportunity to spend the night on “Psili Amos the white beach” it is the best beach on Patmos, an absolutely wonderful place. To reach Psili Amos beach, you have to walk on the little mountain approx. 25 min, a very beautiful ride. To this beach all the raw materials are still transported on donkey ridge or boat out to the beach by the old grandfather, who runs a lovely little Tavarna with his sweet wife and their family. A truly unique place. If you do not want to spend the night at the beach, simply walk back to the hotel or take the ship back again and just enjoy the day at the beach. Of course, you also have the opportunity to spend your day off just as you wish.


Spiritual Journey with Course in “A Course in Miracles” 06.09 – 23.9 2024.

Information and travel meeting on WhatsApp.

The Price of the Journey:

incl. aircraft, boat, hotel stays and tuition.

The price of the trip is calculated as follows:

Price: 8 dage
16 dage
Ticket t/r København - Athen2.500,002.500,00
Dobbelt room to share
15 nætter inkl.
(20,00 EUR pr døgn)
​Bus from Athen to Piræus
(12,00 EUR t/r)
Boat to Patmos (80,00 EUR t/r)600,00600,00
Total i DKK​​​10.389,0013.389,00
Excl. in prices:
In addition to breakfast and excursions, you pay for yourself. Prices are very reasonable at Patmos.

Accommodation options:

Hotel Australis and Villa Knossos are connected and are a very beautiful place, it is 2 min from my house.

Villa Knossos Hotel room 35 Euro pr night.

Hotel Australis apartment approx 40 euro pr person.

Breakfast included.
Two people can also live here and share the expense.
The standard is much better and in the apartments you can cook yourself.
Family run, very cozy, friendly atmosphere and always nice and clean.

Flight: How to book flights. The group travels together from Denmark.

The group travels as far as possible with SAS both ways: Right now SAS has cheap tickets Copenhagen – Athens round trip approx. ca. DKK 25oo.- Friday 06.09. 2024. at 08.35 with arrival Athens at. 12.55 aircraft no: SK777.
Return on Monday 23.09. 2024 Athens to Copenhagen with SAS at. 13.40 flight no .: SK778 with arrival Copenhagen at. 15.55. You book your tickets yourself. (Quick ordering of these tickets is required as price increases may occur).
You can find airfare at SAS.dk, momondo.dk or travellink.dk. SAS, Tel: 70 10 20 00. You must be in Athens no later than 14:00 am.
Send a copy of the tickets to the Swan Center.
Pernille Kondo is happy to help with ordering aircraft and boats. Buy a ticket for the boat to Patmos: Blue Star Ferries – Homepage

The journey from Athens to Patmos:

From Athens airport, airport bus goes to Piraeus port, single ticket 6 Euro. Buy two tickets for the bus with it together so you have one for your return trip. It takes approx. 1 1/2 hours.
In Piraeus you enter the port area itself, on the left is a small Blue Star ticket office where you pick up your ticket for the boat. To the right, inside the entrance, a free bus departs to the quay, where “Superfast XII” sails to Patmos departing at 1 p.m. 18.00. You can board the boat 2 hours before. The sailing time is estimated at approx. 8 hours and the boat arrives at Patmos approx. pm. 2.00 the next morning. Price approx. 80 Euro round trip. You have to book a ticket for the boat yourself. You may consider a cabin which also costs about 80 Euro round trip.
The group is picked up at the port of Patmos on arrival. This is the absolute cheapest route to Patmos.

Return from Patmos to the port of Piraeus:

Return from Patmos on Sunday 23.09. 2024 with “Blue Star 1” leaves at 00.15, with arrival in Piraeus on Monday morning approx. pm. 8:00. Free bus direct from the boat to the port exit. The group takes the airport bus, which costs 6 EURO, from Piraeus to Athens airport. It takes approx. 1 1/2 hours by bus to the airport. SAS flight no. SK778 from Athens to Copenhagen on Monday, 23.09. 2024 at 1.40 pm and arrival in Copenhagen at. 15.55.

The course price is DKK 7,500.- Deposit is DKK 3,000.- Payable to the Swan Center at account 6300 1569106 upon registration. The balance is DKK. 4,500. Payable by 06.08. 2024.
The hotel stays in cash directly at the hotel in Euro.
You pay for the air ticket and boat.

Registration is binding on the deposit of DKK 3,000

Course, transport and accommodation are purchased separately and the event is thus covered by the Travel Guarantee Fund’s coverage. Reg # 2932
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