The Acupuncture consultation includes conversation, Pulse and Tongue diagnosis. Individual imbalances and weaknesses in the organs appear and clarify the cause of the problem. Thin, sterile Acupuncture needles are placed in specially selected meridian points based on the diagnosis made. Ear Acupuncture and Massage can be included in the treatment.
Intelegent nutrition is based on avoiding carbohydrates which are converted into sugars in the body. Carbohydrates break down our cells and are the root cause of many of the diagnoses and diseases we see today. Sugars of all kinds are much worse than fat. Restructuring of diet and exercise is absolutely necessary for cell reconstruction.
Svane® Massage
Svane® Massage is a healing Massage for body, mind and soul. Touch promotes wellness, relaxation and relieves stress, releasing the hormone oxytosin, "getting fit for the hormone" Svane® Massage can be combined as Body Massage, Conversation and Energy Balancing and Healing.
Cranio sacral therapy
Cranio-Sacral Therapy is very gentle, and effective, invented by chiropractors. Relieves imbalances and latches, head, neck, spine, lower back and pelvis and emotional problems.
Myo Reflex Therapy
The muscles carry our life story. If the muscles are chronically tense, energy is lacking in the area. If the body is slightly bent over, you will produce twice as many stress hormones as if you were completely rank. Myo Reflex Therapy reactivates the functional circuit between the muscles, tendons, internal organs and nervous system throughout the body.
Infant massage & Childcare
Infant Massage and Child Care is very gentle, caring competent touch and Kranio Sacral Therapy for the toddler. Gently examines head, palate, neck, spine, pelvic gently corrected. Guidance is given to parents in Infant Massage so you can follow up on the treatment yourself and help your child until we see you again.